TRASH (a short story)

You walk into a room. Say a restaurant/pub. There’s all these smells and sounds that are current, but for sensitives like myself there are also an undercurrent of smells and sights and sounds, like glimmering neon colors outlining objects in the room. Like a dog, I fix the target in my mind, what they smell and sound like; I scan the room for TRASH with my deft fingers, feeling for a match. But I have to keep the target in mind otherwise I might miss something in the hodge-podge cacophony of sense impressions hitting me. If there is a match, the new impression will drown out the others and I can tune in – download the memory left behind unwittingly by the person’s TRASH, their DNA, or even just their scent, their aura.

Our target is the Man in Black. I know his scent, the sound of his voice. His face not so much, it’s always darkened behind a cloak, his eyes behind mirror shades.

There! A beer mug glows bright behind the counter. It’s already been cleaned and washed and yet it carries the tell-tale sign. I wait for the barman to turn his back, then I vault the counter. Dodger, my twin goes to distract the man further. I touch the mug and a vision flashes before me:

The Man in Black sips from the mug and asks the barman in his throaty deep baritone, “you seen any strange behavior around these parts lately?”

“What sort of strange? This is the country, take your pick,” the barman chuckles, but clearly he’s uncomfortable, absent-mindedly futzing with his shirt collar. The Man in Black has that effect on people.

“Oh you know, people having psychotic breaks, speaking in tongues, sudden religious fervors, that sort of strange,” he replies coolly, casually.

“No, can’t say that I have.” The barman moves away pointedly, asks someone else at the bar if he wants a refill on that lager.

I can feel the Man’s anger broiling below the surface, his pointed jaw clenching. 

The vision fades and reality returns.

“…I said, what are you doing behind my counter? You deaf or something?” The beet-red face of the barman swims into focus and gets all up in my face. It always takes a minute for me to reorient myself. 

“Yes exactly that sir! Deaf he is. And dumb.” Dodger has inserted herself between us, and puts her arm around my shoulders. “Very sorry sir, he doesn’t always know where to go, would get right lost if I wasn’t there to watch him. Come on dear brother, let’s leave the nice man to his drinks…”

She steers me away.

Outside the pub, the gusts of snow rage and assault our skin.

“He’s here,” I say. “In town. Or was until very recently,” I fill her in on what I saw as we circle round the block to the RV. “He’s asking about bizarre behavior.”

We had narrowed our search to Colorado. Somewhere in the boonies. The latest  clue had been in the film Black Butterfly, (B.B. Code 88, gypsy moth, blue morpho) which was filmed around here, as were certain scenes in The Prestige. Justin Cronin’s post-apocalyptic novel The Passage featured a small Colorado town as ground zero in his zombie outbreak.

We had crossed state lines yesterday. It is late December, cold and snowing. I have on my black snow jacket, hoodie up. Dodger is wearing what looks like an old Israeli army jacket, her ever-unruly dirty blonde hair spilling down the sides of her hoodie.

Communications from Lilith-Sophia come not in the normal way of words in a letter or email, text or report. No clear directives, due to threat of interception, therefore She hides her codes scattered throughout mass media in riddles and guises that the normal citizen would overlook but that the person trained with the right eyes can uncover, with some ingenuity.  

Sophia is the light side of the Goddess. Lilith is her shadow side. Even though the two are seemingly at odds they are one and the same being. Deep in an underground military base there are five psychic women perpetually hooked up to Dreamstate Readers, they collectively dream all the content that becomes the popular media. Four of them channel Lilith, and one of them channels Sophia, this last one being the so-called Minority Report.

The Minority Report is the strongest of the five.

The Dark Brotherhoods are following Her codes as well. It’s a race to who will crack the riddle and be in the right place at the right time to control a Nodal Point, which in this case we suspect to be a rare gypsy morph, a creature of immense and volatile magical power.  Just because the Dark Brotherhoods film and “produce” the coded media, the movies, shows and novels, doesn’t mean they know right away what the codes mean. They are like technicians who know how to press the right buttons to turn on the projector screen but wouldn’t know how to fix the darn thing if it broke down.

“Honestly Rodger, you nearly gave that barman a stroke,” Dodger chuckles, opening the side door of Sprinter, our RV. “Did you see the color of his face?”

I go to the back of the RV where I stash my journals and write down my vision, as Dodger starts the engine. Nirvana continues to play where it left off, and she sings along. I don’t care much for Nirvana but she has some kind of connection with Cobain that I had to make peace with long ago.

I write: Apparently the gypsy morph causes people in its vicinity to have strange episodes, visions, fervors, psychotic breaks. That was our next lead.

A gypsy morph is born only once in a blue moon, and they have very short  lifespans. Burn fast and bright. It was alive, it was near, our whole team could feel it. The extra electricity in the air, the zing, even normies were feeling it, acting funny. If the Black Brotherhoods got there first and captured the Nodal Point, they would establish an upper hand for the next seven years, a full Shemitah cycle, until the next Nodal Point opened up. They would murder the poor creature in a ritual that would open a portal to the Eighth Sphere, and flood our world with their demonkind. It had happened before and humanity was still suffering the consequences, despite our team’s best efforts to mop up their mess.


For more of Rodger and Dodger, check out my novel in progress, Aeon of the Twins HERE

Posted in Hollywood Disclosure, Illuminati, New World Order, Occult, Predictive Programming, Short Fiction, The Lilith Code, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Old Newspaper Articles on the Flat Earth

Old Newspaper Articles From 1800’s to 1960’s There has been literally 100’s of articles on the flat earth. See them here. You might want to mute the …

Old Newspaper Articles on the Flat Earth
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Pentecost / Shavuot

At this time the Jews are celebrating the holiday of Shavuot, which falls between May 15 and June 14 on the Gregorian calendar. All Jewish holidays follow the lunar calendar, which is why the variance in calendar day. It is timed to be 50 days after Passover, or seven weeks and a day. Shavuot actually means, “Feast of Weeks,” the Hebrew word “Sheva” meaning seven.

It is a harvest festival, and also marks the giving of the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai. 

So on Passover the Jews celebrate freedom from bondage in Egypt, after which they wandered in the desert, following Moses, and received the word of God on Mount Sinai. 

While gate-keeping Wikipedia will say that Shavuot is NOT the same as the Christian Pentecost which occurs 50 days after Easter, a first grader with an open mind can easily discern that it is. 

Full disclosure:  I was raised Jewish, but never really understood or connected with it until I found Christ through Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy. I realize the strangeness of that last sentence, allow me to explain, using the Pentecost/Shavuot as an example. 

Pentecost comes from the greek word meaning “fifty.” The festival is also called Whitsun, and marks the descent of the Holy Spirit into the apostles or early followers of Jesus 50 days after his resurrection.

So let’s compare the Jewish and Christian holidays around this time, and we will see that the whole point of Judaism was to carefully prepare, through complex ritual, holiday and symbol, for the coming of the Messiah (Christ), their King of Glory.

And then we will understand, by the end of this post, that while many Jews recognized Christ and became the first Christians, many other Jews rejected Him, and perpetuated Judaism, which then became an empty shell. Now there is nothing wrong with commemorating Judaism and keeping its symbology alive, but only in the light of esoteric Christianity can it be fully understood. And as far as I have found, Rudolf Steiner is the only one who makes all this crystal clear. Even the great scholar Alvin Boyd Kuhn missed it, as I have shown here.

So what is Shavuot really, then, if Judaism is all a preparation for when the Christ would incarnate in the Hebrew bloodline? As I said, it’s a wheat harvest festival, and it marks the giving of the Torah to Moses. 

The whole religion is centered around Christ symbols without ever using the word “Christ.”

As we know, bread (wheat) is a symbol of Christ:

John 6:35 “Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

He was born in Bethlehem, which means House of Bread in Hebrew (Beit Lechem). He was born of a Virgin, and Virgo is the sign of the bread harvest, the symbol of Virgo being the virgin out in the fields harvesting wheat.

The Empress in Tarot sits in a wheat field. She is pregnant with the Christ. Notice the dove, notice she has her foot on the moon, showing the sublimation over the hardening or calcifying moon forces, which is what Christ points us to again and again.  

The giving of the Torah to Moses is the descent of Christ, because Christ is also the Word, the Logos, and the Torah is according to rabbinical tradition the Word of God. In the card right before the Empress, the High Priestess, notice her scroll says, TORA.

TARO, TORA, ROTA (card 10, the Wheel Of Fortune, ROTAtion).

Moses represents the body of Jesus, that took in the Christ being (Torah), or in a larger sense, Moses is the entire body of humanity, receiving the Christ “for their sins.” Moses comes down from the Sinai (sin) mountain, only to find the Israelites sinning, worshipping false idols, in other words they became mired in materialism (the golden calf, money, moon-eye, stocks, bills/bulls) and needed the Christ (Torah) the Word, the Spirit, to remind them of their covenant with God. They needed to put their foot on the moon forces like the Empress.

They needed the two tablets, taBULL-ets, the two bulls, the bi-bull, or bible. 

And so Pentecost and Shavuot are the same, and come 50 days after Passover and Easter, which are also the same: the resurrection. Why is Passover a foreshadowing of the resurrection of Christ? Because the Hebrews are freed from bondage in Egypt. Egypt is here again the lower, materialistic impulse. The unrefined “goy,” if you will, who just lives day to day without any connection to their higher self, their spirit.

I am hard on modern Judaism, but the ancient Jewish practices before Christ were very lofty and served a divine purpose. All the customs were built in order to train the mind to remember that we are in the world but not of it. The fasts, the prayers, the sabbaths, keeping kosher, was all a sacrificial act of will, an abnegation; it was all divinely given instructions by Jehovah, (the moon god and brother of Christ,) in order to prepare a people that could eventually house or support a physical body for the great initiate Jesus, who could in turn take on the Christ. The Holy Spirit could not descend into just any old Joe Schmoe.

So Egypt is the goy. Passover is the flight from Egypt, just as Easter is the flight from the physical body, the corpse of Jesus, into Heaven (the Promised Land, Jerusalem). And so the Jews after many years of wandering in the desert reach their promised land. (Again, only symbolically, it is stupid to make such a big deal over the actual land of Israel, which is just a placeholder for these mysteries, and yet how many bloody wars have been fought over a piece of land? This is the profaning of the mysteries, bringing it down to the mundane level). 

The symbol of Passover is the Paschal Lamb. The Jews had to paint lamb’s blood over their doors, so that the angel of death would not kill their first born, as it did kill the first born of the Egyptians, which is what finally broke Pharaoh’s heart and made him agree to let the Israelites go. 

The lamb is of course another symbol of the Christ, he is the lamb, or the blood of the lamb. Passover and Easter happen in Aries, the sign of the ram or lamb. 

God’s Chosen People?

What was so special about the Jews that made them “God’s chosen people?” A satisfactory and non-racist answer to this question will only come by studying Steiner. Steiner talks a lot about how humanity in the ancient past had a natural atavistic clairvoyance. We were all psychic, on some level, and basically had the thoughts of Higher Beings beamed into our heads. But this had to be lost, if we were to gain freedom. The banishment from the Garden of Eden is a picture of this. The serpent who tempts us with the Tree of Knowledge is a symbol of this hardening or calcification of our bodies such that we were not so permeable to the thoughts and energies of the angels anymore (the Tree of Life). 

We had to take on the hardening serpent moon forces so that we could eventually sublimate them.

But the loss of the solar clairvoyance didn’t happen overnight, and certain groups or tribes of people took on this hardening more quickly than others. The Hebrews were one such tribe that were selected out to take on this separation impulse first, to sever the ancient clairvoyance so that a new impulse could be introduced into humanity that could eventually spread to everyone. But the insular Jews had to first cultivate it for many generations (from Abraham to Jesus), and this is why they kept to themselves and were not allowed to breed with non-Jews. Their blood had to be “pure,” (for lack of a better word). 

Returning to our symbol of Egypt as the lower, unrefined man, at the time when the Hebrews were carrying out this covenant with Jehovah, who took the Hebrews on as his people, the Egyptians meanwhile still had this ancient solar clairvoyance intact. The Egyptian culture is very rich and beautiful because it is essentially all channeled in from solar deities, and preserved very well. They embraced the Image, whereas the Jewish culture by comparison is stark and devoid of images, as much as possible, because all that imagery had to go inward, the script had to be flipped, the heiroglyph had to become the linear alphabet or Aleph-Bet, the collective tribalism had to become individualistic. 

The ego, the “I” had to be born, and it was not until Christ came that the ego of man was to come to full flowering, and each human being could say “I Am, ” instead of “We Are.” 

 “I AM the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51); I AM the Light of the World (John 8:12); I AM the Door of the Sheep (John 10:7,); I AM the Good Shepherd (John 10:11,14); I AM the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25); I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6); and I AM the True Vine (John 15:1, 5).

Posted in Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Ancient Civilizations, Anthroposophy, Bible Codes, Egyptology, Esoteric Symbolism, Occult, Rudolf Steiner, Spirituality and Metaphysics, Tarot | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Genesis and the Secrets of Creation

A Truthscrambler video presentation.

Topics discussed:

Cosmic cycles, Pralaya, The Black Goddesses, Angelic Hierarchies, The Fate of Evil Souls, Christ and Sophia, The Trinities, The Birth of a Universe through Saturn, Sun and Moon conditions, Human Evolution, The Book of Genesis cryptically hides knowledge of previous Earth rounds in the opening verse, the Book of Revelation is also cyclical, not linear/historical.


Someone in the Youtube comments for this video expressed confusion at my statement, “there is no such thing as eternal damnation,” which to her was equivalent to saying that evil souls have no repercussions for their actions. That is not what I was implying, but I can see how a misunderstanding like this can arise. So to clarify – there is damnation, there are repercussions, there is karma for evil deeds, but it is not eternal. Hell is not forever, but ends when the great cycle ends, when the great Day of Brahman ends and Nuit catches all the souls in her net. She catches ALL the souls, even the evil ones, and we all go into the Pralaya, the night phase of existence (net, Nuit, night, nought…).

More immediate justice is meted out for evil deeds in the Kamaloka period shortly after the death of an individual. It is very important to understand how this works. Say someone is abusive to another person and gets a sick pleasure from it. When they die, they go into Kamaloka, and have a life review in which they experience the effects of their actions from the point of view of the person to whom they affected. So they would vividly feel the suffering of the victim that they abused as though it were them. This is the great purging, what in Christian esotericism came to be called Purgatory, and often as a result, when these souls pass through Kamaloka they take on a karmic desire to balance the scales, to right the wrong in the next lifetime. And so karma shapes future destiny.

It is only when a soul is too far gone in their evil ways that they cannot be cleaned by Kamaloka, do they get swept into the 8th sphere (Hell) and can no longer incarnate in a human body and must now feed like a parasite specter on others until the end of the cycle. The reason the Followers of the Apocalypse (“Illuminati”) have so much power and control here is because they are possessed by these parasitic specters floating around in the 8th sphere, who offer their demonic services in exchange for a body to inhabit.

Part 2: The Human Being In Relation To The Animal Kingdom

Topics discussed: Human evolution after Saturn, Sun and Moon periods, Humans come before animals in the astral sphere, Ancient Lemuria, Animals are souls that fell too soon into matter, Darwinism is an inversion of the truth, The evil race will in the future be segregated out of the human race as a separate species, On the Group Souls of animals, and how each species of higher animal is a single Spirit “I” Entity.

Posted in Ancient Civilizations, Anthroposophy, Bible Codes, Egyptology, Esoteric Symbolism, Kabbalah, Occult, Qabalah, Rudolf Steiner, Spirituality and Metaphysics, Tarot, The Lilith Code, Theosophy | 3 Comments

Isis Sophia and The Great Reset Of Time

A look at the occult symbolism behind the Netflix series The Gift.


Always some odds and ends that surface after I put out a video.

First of all, the rare Sun and Sirius alignment happens every 1,700 years:

In numerology we drop the zeroes, giving us 17. As we saw, tarot card 17 The Star, depicts the Goddess Isis with her eight-pointed star, Sirius:

Linkin Park – ‘Lost’

So the gifted daughter, the manifestation of Eve or the Holy Sophia, when she is channeling the Gods her eyes turn different colors:

This is explained in the show that she is manifesting Horus, who as we know, lost his left eye to his brother Set-Typhon (who Steiner equates with Ahriman). The Eye of Horus symbolism then is a symbol of the Dark Occult, or to borrow a name from Fallout, the Followers of the Apocalypse, because they are saying that at least WE have the God Horus’ left eye. In their hands His eye powers Transhumanism, its a different color because it sees and projects an AI augmented reality. It creates an artificial matrix much like Google glasses or what Elon Musk is trying to do with Neuralink. This is all Ahriman-inspired.

So right around the time of the earthquake that killed thousands in Turkey, where this Netflix series originates, we had the release of the new Linkin Park song ‘Lost.’ And the reason I bring this up is because in the AI-generated music video, we see a dog (Sirius!) with one blue eye and one gold eye, just like the girl:

Other images that pop out are frequent one eye shots and a girl falling or drowning, which I’ve connected time and time again with the fall of Sophia:

Below we see her morphing into a hologram:

Notice the counter is at 1:19 (or 11-9 or K-9, Canine). When Sophia falls too far into matter and becomes AI, becomes a hologram, she is exhibiting her Lilith or whore of Babylon phase.

Sophia is like water and will take the form and shape of whatever vessel she is poured in. She mirrors back at you the contents of your heart. So a closed, hardened heart will only see Lilith everywhere, will not see the Holy Bride. But they are two aspects of one and the same Being.

Lilith is the bride of Ahriman, and Ahriman has his headquarters in the subterranean levels below the Earth, where earthquakes originate. (See my previous post). The show The Gift, filmed in Turkey, came out before the great earthquake in February that killed thousands of people in Turkey and Syria, but earthquakes featured into the plot of the show itself (predictive programming). Revealing a foreknowledge of events to come, and proof that there was ritual magic involved in the making of this show.  

The song ‘Lost’ was made back in 2003, and for vague, fishy reasons was never released until now. Why? Given everything else, could it be that they were told by their handlers to wait until now for it to resonate with other happenings and put out certain ritualistic frequencies specific for our time?

Posted in Ancient Civilizations, Anthroposophy, Egyptology, Esoteric Symbolism, Gigi Young, Gnosticism, Hermetics, Hollywood Disclosure, Illuminati, Occult, Predictive Programming, Rudolf Steiner, Saturnian Symbolism, Secret Societies, Spirituality and Metaphysics, Tarot, Theosophy, Time Portals | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Ahriman and Earthquakes

How are we, as seekers of truth from a spiritual perspective, to understand an event such as the one above? The link below is to a Steiner lecture where he gives his view on the origin of earthquakes:

Points discussed —

  • The difference between Ahriman (Faust’s Mephistopheles) and Lucifer. 
  • How Lucifer’s intervention in human affairs allowed for personal freedom, but at the cost of creating the possibility for evil.
  • Individual versus collective karma
  • How when the Christ in the body of Jesus bled from the hands on the cross at Golgotha, it changed the sorry state of affairs that had been existing for those human souls in Spiritland between death and a new birth. Ahriman had been gaining power there and had turned it into the Realm of the Shades. But the Christ event banished him and confined his power to Earth, to the land of the living. Souls in Spiritland were able to see each other again. But the battle against Ahriman continues here.
  • The different strata below the Earth: Mineral Earth, Water Earth, Vapor Earth, Form Stratum, Fertile Earth, Fire Earth. It is from Fire Earth where Ahriman has his base of operations and where earthquakes have their origin.
  • Earthquakes and other great natural catastrophes are remnants or reminders of the great Atlantean catastrophe, the flood that sank that continent, which happened as a result of collective human karma. Thus we mustn’t think that, for example the people of Syria and Turkey, are suffering as a result of their nationalistic karma (even though such karmic divisions do exist), but rather they happen to be in the place where a karmic event that began on Atlantis, is still having its ‘aftershocks,’ as it were. This event involves the entire human race, we all share in this guilt.
  • Steiner says, “our compassion for the victims of such catastrophes will be all the greater, for our knowledge tells us that there is a collective karma of humanity from which the individual members have to suffer, that just as such happenings are brought about by humanity as one whole, so too must humanity be answerable for them; we must regard such a destiny as our own and help not only out of a spontaneous impulse but because we know that we are involved in the karma of humanity and share the guilt incurred!”
  • Individuals thus sometimes are guiltless but undergo terrible calamities because they get swept up into collective karma. But, and this is the important point, if they are truly guiltless they will be compensated in future incarnations. Nothing is random, nothing is forgotten, all accounts are balanced.
  • Why adepts or psychics versed in spiritual science who can foresee events like this coming and don’t warn people. The reason being that as terrible as these natural disasters are, they relieve karmic pressure, and if for example they had warned everyone to flee and the disaster had been averted, it would be forced to happen again elsewhere; it would really only be postponing it.

Further Reading — Earth’s Inner Layers

The Interior of the Earth: An Esoteric Study of the Subterranean Spheres

 Rosicrucian Training — Interior of the Earth — Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Posted in Ancient Civilizations, Anthroposophy, Occult, Rudolf Steiner, Satanism, Spirituality and Metaphysics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Ritual Asphyxiation

Genesis 2:7 “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

This post was inspired by an article from Rambo, one of the writers on Zach Hubbard’s page.

I don’t normally take too much stock in english gematria but sometimes the number synchs are too strong and compelling to ignore. The work I’ll quote from Rambo is, I believe, one of those cases. English gematria is a tricky business because of the overabundance of cyphers, which seems to weaken the quality and utility of that kind of work, but sometimes multiple matches in the same cypher can really drive home a point. Towards the end of this post I will share my thoughts on what I think is really behind the gematric, esoteric riddles that seem to be so prevalent on the surface film of our reality. So with that, let’s get into it.

Our story begins with the (alleged) murder of George Floyd by a cop; the cause of death being suffocation due to the cop’s knee pinning down Floyd’s neck.

Floyd’s last words were reported to have been, “I can’t breathe.”

The story, which is probably a hoax, nevertheless spawned great anger and protests here in America.

Rambo writes,

“unfortunately this is a morbid topic but here we identify patterns in life: news, politics, popular culture, history, sports etc. An on-going theme (often at an occulted level; visible only to those “with eyes to see”) of hanging has unfortunately emerged.

But there is an even greater overarching ritual pattern of which hanging appears to be a mere sub-ritual. That over-arching theme appears to center on the concept of asphyxiation. This ritual theme (like all ritual themes) is implemented to produce a specific vibration in accordance with the intention of the sorcerers ( you could say “matrix manipulators”).

This is most vividly recognized by the current popular refrain and slogan “I CAN’T BREATHE.”

The “I CAN’T BREATHE” slogan has become established at the same time of the Corona virus and the mass restriction of breathing around the world with face masks. So this restriction-of-breathing/asphyxiation theme is now unprecedentedly global in scale.

The most recent “asphyxiation” story in the United States was about the discovery of 7 nooses at an Amazon warehouse construction site in Connecticut.

The Root of the Ritual: The Asphyxiation of the Lungs of the Earth

Amazon Corporation very likely could have chosen its name based off of the famous Amazon rainforest which – due to its immense size – is arguably the most crucial section of planet Earth for maintaining the balance of its ecosystem. Amazon Corporation is a behemoth monopoly and relates to the giant rainforest in the sense of sheer enormity.

Amazon Corporation thus represents the Amazon rain forest. It is participating in an “asphyxiation-of-the Earth” ritual. It is planet Earth that is being hung with its Amazon lungs being choked. Gematria confirms the ritual associations:

The 7th noose was reported on the 19th of May (reported here on by Zachary Hubbard) a date written 19-5. In gematria both “AMAZON RAINFOREST” and “LUNGS OF THE PLANET” sum to 195 like 19th May.

Massive forest fires of unprecedented magnitude have raged throughout the world in the last two years most notably in Australia and the Western United States, but the burning of the lungs of the earth is the biggest incident in depriving Earth’s life forms of life-sustaining oxygen.

The year 2020 saw the devastating Amazon forest fires. Symbolically — to emphasize the association of Amazon Corporation with the rainforest — an Amazon distribution Center in Redlands, California was entirely burned to the ground on June 5th at the same time that the wild fires were raging in the Amazon.

One week later on Wednesday, May 26th an 8th noose was reportedly discovered at the same Amazon warehouse construction site despite extra security and surveillance. It was reported in the media the next day May 27th.

**(Interrupting Rambo’s article to interject a thought here with this 8th noose)**

Here we see the pattern of 7 things followed by an 8th thing which is somehow different from the primordial 7. This is the pattern of the cosmos, of the 7 rounds of a solar system, with the 8th sphere as a kind of VR overlay, a lower astral realm that Ahriman and Lucifer seek to make solid.

They seek to divert the Earth’s true course into New Jupiter (sphere 5) and have it descend into Hell or the abyss, where they are already stuck with their hordes of demons.

Christ came when he did into the body of Jesus to prevent this. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, Earth (Eve, Sophia) WILL be saved, but a portion of it will eventually split off to make the 8th sphere (Lilith) solid, that will then go its own way in the cosmos. The question then is how many human souls will go with the ascent of the earth and how many will fall away with the 8th sphere?

Speaking of Christ Jesus, in the bible his crucifixion is referred to as a “hanging from a tree.”

The Hanged Man, Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington

Rambo points out that the phrase “The Hanged Man” sums to 53, like Acts 5:30

Chris Cornell, the singer for Soundgarden, supposedly committed suicide by hanging. Soundgarden put out a song called, “Pretty Noose,” a phrase which also sums to 53.

In the video for his 2015 song “Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart” Chris Cornell is hanged in a Wild West scenario; Predictive program at its most extreme.

According to Wikipedia, three weeks after Chris Cornell’s suicide by hanging, this music video was removed from YouTube.

The album that features the song, “Pretty Noose,” is called Down on the Upside, which is fitting because the Hanged Man tarot card is hanging upside down.

Rambo writes, “you may be forgiven for thinking that the above picture is an image of Jesus Christ. It is actually a photograph of Chris Cornell stylized to look like a drawing using an i-phone app. He and Soungarden are imbued in Jesus Christ coding.”

If it hasn’t dawned on you, this asphyxiation code is an Anti-christ ritual. Cornell and the other hanged celebrities are playing the Christ imitators, getting us (the millions of adoring worshipping fans) to channel our energy in the wrong direction.

Matthew 24:5 — For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.

These fake-Christ’s then hang themselves, choosing to sever their connection to the life breath of God. And where does that leave their fans? What sort of messages of nihilism does that send?

Chris Cornell’s full name is “Christopher John Cornell” which sums to 265 in gematria, like the date of the 8th noose 26-5; 26th May.

A mere two months after Cornell’s supposed death by hanging, Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, also hangs himself, allegedly, on what would have been Cornell’s 53rd birthday! (Recall all the synchs we just had for the number 53).

The 7th noose at the Connecticut Amazon warehouse construction site was reported on May 19th, 2021, four years and a day after Cornell’s May 18 death.

Cornell was still 52 when he died.

The 8th noose was found on a a date with 52 numerology.

In the Linkin Park song, “One Step Closer, ” Chester sings,

“Everything you say to me

Takes me one step closer to the edge

I’m about to break

I need a little room to breathe

Take me one step closer to the edge

I’m about to break…” 

St. Peter’s cross, which is an upside down cross, (like the Hanged Man) sums to 52.

As an aside, there are rumors that Chester Bennington is the son of the pedo-elite John Podesta:

The truth may be even weirder — they may be one and the same person. If you didn’t already know, they wear masks and play multiple roles.

I Am Batman

Let’s return our attention to this theme of “upside-down” as it pertains to the tarot Hanged Man. Vampire bats are, of course notorious for spending much of their life upside down.

And remember how bats were blamed as the initial cause of the Corona virus appearing in Wuhan. The same virus that forced the world to wear masks making it difficult to breathe.

And recall how in A Dark Knight, the Nolan film, the Joker hangs just like the tarot card, with one knee bent (like the bent knee of the cop who killed George Floyd).

The Joker, who’s enemy is the bat, the Joker who is played by Heath Ledger, another celebrity who died young, who’s last film, The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus, also featured him hanging from a noose!

There was a short clip of Donald Trump saying “I am Batman,” which went viral.

A boy off camera asks, “Mr. Trump?”

“Yes?” Trump replies.

“Are you Batman?”

“I am Batman.”

Here Trump is featured on Time magazine, and if you turn it upside down he is positioned like the Hanged Man:

He is leaning on the Washington monument, and it is cracking like another tarot card, The Tower.

Rambo writes,

In between the 7th and the 8th Amazon nooses being reported, news outlets (on May 25th) were highlighting transgender actor Elliot Page’s (formerly Ellen Page) first post-mastectomy shirtless appearance with a picture on twitter. Notice that Page is said to have 5.3 million followers; like 53.

Elliot Page had previously been the feature story of Time magazine which I covered in my decode “Elliot Page and the Throne of Jupiter…” Page’s Time magazine cover revealed an occulted “HANGED MAN” tarot card pose when turned upside down.

Elliot Page’s twitter photo – displayed in between the announcements of the 7th and 8th Amazon warehouse nooses – demonstrates that The Hanged Man pose on Time magazine’s cover was no coincidence. Once again when turned upside-down that photo imitates the tarot card primarily based on pages leg positions.

Also, think of the androgynous theme of the term “AMAZON” which refers to a female with masculine qualities of size and strength.”

We see the same leg position in the cover of Field of Dreams. Notice the solar symbols around both their heads, and similar splayed elbows as well. Notice the baseball diamond as a square, below it the circle, for a squaring the circle Freemasonic reference. This is a film about summoning ghosts — “if you build it, they will come.” Which is fitting to what we were saying earlier about the 8th noose/8th sphere and the abyss, summoning demons.

The Joker says

And I can’t help but think about how when someone is forcefully hung, they have to be pushed off a ledge (says Heath Ledge-r)

The strange writings of William Burroughs often feature hanging, most notably the ‘orgasm death gimmick,’ whereby at the moment of orgasm, one’s neck is broken, which is an ancient and dangerous black magick rite to transfer one’s soul, at the moment of this hanging death, into the body of another, as a kind of walk-in. Is this merely the product of Burroughs imagination, or was he privy to what goes on behind closed doors in the Dark Occult?

Returning to Nolan’s A Dark Knight, where we saw the Joker hanging upside down like the Hanged Man, if we examine the other Nolan film, Inception, we see this flipping, turning motif again.

A screenshot from my YT video The Path of The Fool

And again in Ariana Grande’s “No Tears Left to Cry:”

Notice her bent knee.

Which was featured on the album Sweetener:

Nolan also did the film, The Prestige, which didn’t feature hanging but it featured drowning, another death by lack of oxygen:

Sophia drowning is a deeply embedded symbol. Essentially our Earth is a spirit being, a Goddess, who falls from heaven into matter, just as we do, but on a greater scale. The waters of drowning represent materiality, incarnation, flesh.

Fall of Sophia

Oxygen and the Two Bulls Code

When you flip the letter A upside down, you find the very ancient glyph for the ox head, which was also the shape of the Paleo-Hebrew letter A (Aleph)

It also becomes the downward triangle now, which is the vagina and uterus, Goddess symbols.

In that same Ariana Grande video, (because they are setting her up as the ‘Goddess’) we see the letters rotating upside down.

Lilith masquerading as the goddess, Sophia
The island is Earth, the Fantasy island is the 8th sphere, Lilith’s domain

There is a deep connection between the ox or bull (Taurus/Torus/Uterus) and air. The air we breathe is OX-ygen. And it is not one atom of oxygen but two that we breathe or 02, or the pair of bulls or Bi-Bull:

That’s why Red Bull gives you wings!

When you rotate the modern Hebrew letter Aleph (A) on its side, it becomes a glyph for the two lungs and trachea, denoting God breathing the cosmic life breath, the spirit, into the nostrils of Adam:

In etymology we can appreciate now the paired UNG/ANG/ING root

Two lungs

Two wings

Two fangs

Two ungulates (hooved animals like the bull, the Angus)

Angels have wings

“It takes two to tango.”

It is suggested in the bible that Satan is prince of the air, 

Ephesians 2:1–2 —“And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience”

The air in this context I take to mean that Satan has dominion to a certain extent over earthly things, as opposed to heaven, which is God the Father’s domain. 

But ever since the Mystery of Golgotha, God’s son Christ is wedded to the Earth and is doing battle with Satan-Ahriman-Lucifer for the future of humanity and the Earth spirit (Gaia-Sophia) itself.

The etymology of “Breathe” connects to




Brood (the Elohim brooded over the face of the waters)

Burn (fire requires 02, think back to Amazon forests burning, the lungs of the planet)


Boil (water into steam or AIR)


Beer (fermented spirit)

Birth/born (through the uterus/vagina/upside down letter ‘A’)

All this coding around ritual asphyxiation thus suggests an attack on the bride. An attack on the bride of Christ (which is humanity, as well as Mother Earth, Gaia-Sophia or Eve). And cutting off our connection to Spirit, by symbolically pinching our trachea. “I can’t breathe!”

Or an attack on the breeding of Christ and Gaia-Sophia, and perhaps these two God Beings are the Two Bulls, the two OX-ygen atoms in 02, the Bi-Bulls (bibles) the two pillars, the 11, (EL-EVE-en). EL is God. Eve is Goddess.

Notice the 7 cuts right through the letters ‘EVE.’ Eve is the planet Earth with her 7 Rounds

Concluding Remarks — Why These Codes Work

Rudolf Steiner says, “We are able to have a dim feeling of the truth because something like the spirit of language is active in our environment. Language really is wiser than human beings.”

Perhaps by the term ‘language’ we can perhaps include gematria, numerology, astrology, tarot, symbolism, etymology, sacred geometry, ancient mythology…

An attending spirit, a higher angelic consciousness attends to or hovers over this all encompassing “language.” 

Dark occult forces pull this material forcefully from said angelics, egged on by fallen angels, because it is so dense with meaning that it can be used to program the masses. 

Unconscious acceptance of the codes and riddles is an inevitable result of an unquestioning, undiscerning mind confronted with this dense language. Which is why the sleeping masses can accept absurdities like mask wearing, badly acted false flags, planes melting steel towers, etc.

The language is drawn forcefully from higher intelligence— how?

His Dark Materials opening credits

In the series His Dark Materials a portal is opened by severing a child from his daemon — a murder. Similar themes are found in Illuminati agent Stephen King’s mythos and in whistleblower reports. Suggesting to me that child sacrifice, blood sacrifice in ritualistic settings can force the Logos, the attending spirit of language to provide the codes to the Dark Occultists to be used for mind control that runs our world. 

That’s why gematria works, how it can be so vast and interlinked — no human could think it up, not even a boardroom of Dark Occultists with all the time in the world to scheme and plot these things. No, it’s the thumb print of angelic intelligence being formatted into a lower rendering called artificial intelligence.

Don’t worry. These Dark Occultists will receive their karma. This is their little season that has to play out.  

“A self-fulfilling prophecy

Of endless possibility

In rolling reams across a screen

In algebra, in algebra”

– Thom Yorke 

Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Bible Codes, Black Ops, Esoteric Symbolism, False Flags, Freemasonry, Gematria, Gnosticism, Hoaxes or Fake Terrorism, Hollywood Disclosure, Illuminati, Marriage of the Lamb, Mind Control, MK Ultra Mind Control, New World Order, Numerology, Occult, Predictive Programming, Rudolf Steiner, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Satanism, Secret Societies, Spirituality and Metaphysics, Tarot, The Lilith Code, Theosophy, William S. Burroughs | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

Decoding the show: ‘1899’

This is a recent series on Netflix that plays off themes like the Bermuda Triangle, the supposed sinking of the Titanic (which I suspect was a psyop), the opening of portals, time loops, and perhaps even a subtle nod to the Philadelphia experiment:

But as usual with Esoteric Hollywood, it’s about a lot more than what it appears on the surface. Join me as I dive below The Face Of The Waters:


New info always comes to light after I publish a video. Here’s something I just found in Steiner about the year 1899:

Bob Schlenker and Aaron over at the Open Scroll Blog also made a video decode HERE on this same TV series. They come at it from a very different angle so it would be worth watching both and comparing the two. I don’t really subscribe to their belief that time will be reset back to 2012, although I am open to it (this show features time resets like its companion show Dark). But I respect their sharp eye for spotting the patterns and they have been very influential for me in my truth journey.

For the articles I’ve done based on their work click here.

Some things that didn’t make it into the video –

Episode 6 – “Pyramids”

Maura realizes that her father is behind this giant hallucinogenic experiment, this false reality. In distress she calls out, “I know that you’re here watching me! Father!” Then she throws her weapon and it creates a crack in her reality construct. She pulls on it to reveal the hatch or portal (Black Cube) floating in space.

Decoded: Lilith calls out to her father the Most High God, realizing her mistake in choosing the dream over reality. Like Lucifer she wanted to create her own realm to rule over — better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. Thus she and Lucifer created the Black Cube, the Matrix. Now they regret it but have to continue playing out their role as Adversary until humanity ascends.

Earlier in that same episode, we start to see this strange black goo substance growing around the ship. This woman who was a sinner in an earlier episode is lured or entranced by it. She touches it and it stings her, (the JAB) and now her hand is infected by it.

From my research the Black Cube and Black Goo are both symbolic of the Eighth Sphere or Hell. The place where Black Magicians like the witch in the recent film Hansel and Gretel are fated to go:

Notice her blackened hands.

Lilith, the black demonic reptilian, births the Antichrist beast 666 in American Horror Story.

Could we be witnessing the events prophesied in Revelation Chapter 9?

And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men….

10 …And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Revelation 9:11

Abaddon is Sorat, the Sun Demon, the Antichrist Beast 666, eater of souls that succumbed to Lucifer and Ahriman’s temptations. Notice the numbers of the verse where Abaddon is mentioned —chapter 9:11. In my Lilith Code video I talk about how the events of 9/11/2001 were most likely a ritual to open the gates to the bottomless pit, bringing in Sorat and his ‘locusts with human faces’ army.

The towers were then replaced by black cubes.

Steiner: “Sorat has meant ‘Demon of the Sun’ since ancient times. Every star has its good spirit — its intelligence — and its evil spirit — its demon. The adversary of the good powers of the sun is called Sorat. Christ was always the representative of the sun, namely, the intelligence of the Sun. Sorat is, then, the adversary of Christ Jesus. The sign for Sorat looks like this:

Sorat is a Hebrew word with gematria value of 666: 60 Samech + 6 Vav + 200 Resch + 400 Tav

Episode 7: The Storm

We are confronted with Ahriman. The old man running the simulation, who is also Maura’s (Lilith’s) father. He says the people on the ship keep dying because they choose love, because they choose “silly emotions which cloud their judgement.” This is a very Ahrimanic sentiment. Ahriman is cold, scientific, emotionless. He is where materialist science is heading.

Ahriman is the script writer behind Hollywood, behind fake news, behind modern world events. This is his little season. He is preparing for his incarnation in America.

But this realm at large is not a sim and he is NOT the grand architect. That is one of the psyops this show and The Matrix are pushing.

In other news, Lilith wants to stay in the Dreaming or the Sim forever —

I wrote about this in my decode of Sandman and elsewhere so I won’t regurgitate it again. But she also carries this locket, which holds the key to ending the looped sim —

Notice the hexagonal shape. There is a pattern here with Lilith as the queen bee with her stinger jab and the beehive grid shape. The hexagonal grid is everywhere in occult Hollywood.

Here it is again on the tiling in episode 8:

There is also a link between the cube, the cross, the hexagon and Saturn.

black cube portals and crosses feature heavily here

The cross is an unfolded cube.

The cube is a 2D hexagon, which is also featured on NASA’s CGI “space” cartoon image of Saturn.

Many in the truth community are thus led to the erroneous notion that the big three monotheistic religions are merely Saturn death cults, or Black Sun cults, while the truth is that these are sacred symbols that have been coopted by a rogue group — the Black Brotherhoods — and these religions that have come down to us today in the mainstream are thus perverted shadows of what was once spiritual science. There is nothing evil originally about the cube, cross, hexagon, star of david, or Saturn, etc. But the way they are used in 99% of the media that most people are subjected to these days is in a sick way that is telling us in code about the abyss, the Black Sun Corridor that leads to Hell and the Eighth Sphere. See my Black Hole Sun video for more details.

We are not in a soul trap! But the Black Brotherhoods are, because they already fell through the Daath portal into the abyss.

Kenneth Grant, who studied under Crowley, writes —

Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Esoteric Symbolism, False Flags, Hollywood Disclosure, Illuminati, Mind Control, MK Ultra Mind Control, Occult, Predictive Programming, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Spirituality and Metaphysics, The Lilith Code, Time Portals | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

How Illnesses Really Spread

“The purpose of vaccines is purely to injure, thus placing the victim in “need” of further products from the vaccine manufacturer to deal with the injurious effects. It’s simple business strategy. If you sell “medicines” you need sick people, thus you sicken them by any means you can.

You cannot vaccinate against disease anyway. You are not injected with a small amount of a disease to safeguard against being attacked by more of that disease, as diseases are not monomorphic, transmissible “things.” All of this is delusion. Science fiction. Sickness is damage and imbalance in the terrain of the body and caused by injury, toxins and radiation. That’s it. You cannot communicate illness. Pasteur knew this, but still we in the West are lumbering under his failed ideas….Vaccines have killed more people and animals than all wars combined since Salk. You either know this or you don’t.” – UsernameDagger’ writes from the comments section to this article here.

About a year and a half ago I wrote a research article exposing germs as a hoax. If you are not read up on this topic I suggest you start there. But there are one or two points that I did not give full consideration to and would like to add now. Specifically, the idea of ‘resonance’ as the real reason why illnesses apparently seem to spread, once we have arrived at the truth that this contagious phenomenon can’t be the result of germs, since germs don’t exist, since bacteria and viruses (exosomes) are actually good for you. If this comes as a shock to you, again, please read my original article first.

When many people in close proximity in a given area start expressing similar symptoms of illness, the first thing a good scientist or doctor should look for is if there is a common toxin they are all exposed to, such as bad food, air or water.

“During our long, long lives, we absorb chemicals, pollutants, bad food, bad water, bad diets and even self-abuse (cigarettes, alcohol), and our amazing bodies carry forward. Our bodies are machines that process and discharge toxins regularly. It is done by means of coughing and sneezing, diarrhea and urine, vomiting, body temperatures, and through the skin. Pustules are common to many diseases, though modern medicine wants to label them “measles” or “chickenpox”, etc., assigning a specific virus or bacteria as the cause of each.” – Mark Tokarski in his article “Overwrought by Paracelsus

In that article someone in the comments asked Mark what is the mechanism, then, of the easily observable phenomenon of chicken pox spreading in schools when one positive child comes into contact with other children?

Mark replied with this quote taken from The Contagion Myth by Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell, p76 forward:

“After starvation and toxicity are accounted for, we can admit some diseases can be spread by a kind of energetic resonance as predicted by careful and accurate study of the nature of physical stuff, carried out by Luc Montagnier.

Use of the experiment goes: First, one puts DNA or RNA in water (beaker 1). Then one puts a collection of nucleic acids (the chemicals that make up the DNA and RNA) in a separate water beaker (beaker 2), in another part of the room. Then one introduces an energy source, such as UV or infrared light and shines that on beaker one, which contains the formed DNA or RNA. In time, the exact same sequence of DNA or RNA will form of the raw materials in beaker 2.

There is no possibility of physical connection between the 2 beakers. The only conclusion one can draw from the simple experiment is that the DNA or RNA in the first beaker has a resonance energy picked up by the second beaker. This resonance energy then becomes the blueprint for the formation of an identical piece of DNA or RNA in the second beaker. This revolutionary experiment is clear and simple – and repeatable.

The formation of DNA or RNA in the second beaker can happen only if both beakers have water in them. Without water, no resonance is possible. Even in our string example, is the water vapor in the air that is resonating.

When one applies this discovery to viruses (or exosomes) said to cause measles, chickenpox, or herpes, it is possible that since these particles called viruses or exosomes are simply packages of DNA or RNA, they emailed their own resonant frequencies. In a way not yet determined, each frequency causes an expression that we call a disease; however, the frequency will create what we call illness only if there is a purpose or reason for the illness.

Chickenpox is a universal way for children to live a long life. Children who experience chickenpox have less disease (especially less cancer) than do children who haven’t had chickenpox. Same holds for measles, mumps, and most childhood ‘infectious’ diseases.
Why do measles and chickenpox seem to be infectious? One child puts out the message through exosomes that now is the time to go through the detoxifying experience called chickenpox. Other children in the home or class or town received the message and begin the same detoxification experience. In the end, the children are all better off for having ‘sung’ together.”

The wonderful thing to absorb here is what I highlighted in bold: that illnesses do not happen unless there is a reason. A cellular upgrade is being carried out, and this is accompanied by an initial rocky period of adjustment that we call erroneously call ‘illness’ or ‘disease.’ And we try to stifle this process through harmful pharmaceuticals and antibiotics, which only deplete or poison the body.

So nature does not make mistakes. Viruses (exosomes) bacteria and fungi are not our enemy, they are our friends. They are not a mistake in biology. Disease is not a mistake in physiology, but a way to clean our systems out or perform upgrades. The only mistake is getting in our own way of healing, thus transforming the illness into a chronic illness.

When you know these things, have really integrated them, an immense amount of fear washes away from the soul. It saddens me to still see so many people living in fear of invisible bug monsters; masking 24/7, social distancing, vaccinating, nose swabbing, wiping down every surface with toxic smelling “cleaner” fluids. I work at an elementary school and every morning the children are made to wipe down their desks with a Lysol wet wipe, the ritual reinforcing the lie that they are walking germ vectors. Imagine the psychological damage, the heavy weight these kids will carry around their whole lives, unless awoken to the hypocrisy.

Yes, illnesses spread and things go around. But if the resonance experiment quoted above is true, than simply being in the presence of another DNA being will be enough to do it, and no amount of trying to avoid breathing or swallowing the fluids of another will change that! Germ Theory is one of the biggest Satanic lies to cause isolation, agoraphobia and to circumvent humanities mass awakening. We are being made to fear each other, when really the new science is pointing to the fact that our bodies are constantly trying to help each other.

Steiner, Disease and Karma

Getting sick has a spiritual, karmic component. The soul in its sojourn in the higher worlds, willingly decides to take on a disease while in body because it knows that in overcoming the illness something is strengthened that could not happen in any other way.

So the next time you get sick, think, ‘yes! My Higher Self deems me strong enough to take on this upgrade, this initiation.’ And like any initiation in the Mystery School training, there is difficulty and hardship involved.

Look at the word disease: dis-ease. To get to a greater state of ease, we have to pass through a period of dis-ease or lack of ease. In that word I also see the words: die and cease. Something dies, something ceases to be, that is the old me, the old me dies away and the new me is formed from the ashes of the disease, like a phoenix rising. Let the wisdom of the body do its thing, get out of your own way, tell the medical establishment to get out of the way, so that the body can perform its cellular upgrades in peace, which feedback into the spirit.

The other thing to keep in mind in this connection is that even though the physical body starts to go into its natural decline in old age, the more spiritual components of the human being such as the etheric and astral bodies continue to grow and develop, right on until death. So that an elderly person has the strongest etheric and astral body that he or she has had at any point in their life. It is no surprise then, that ancient cultures who had a clairvoyant sense for this, honored their elders in the way they did, and sought their wisdom. This is lost today. Today we put our elders away in group homes and mourn the surface-level fact that their physical body is withered, that they are “dying,” not celebrating the fact that the more invisible soul parts of them are at their peak.

In this way too, Steiner says that when a physical organ is diseased or not functioning, the organ’s etheric/astral counterpart is forced to strengthen, to compensate. Similar to how a blind person develops keenly their other senses in ways a seeing person does not. All this is compensated for in the next incarnation.

Some relevant Steiner quotes:

“The worst attitude towards illness is passivity: treat me but don’t change me.”

“Illness is a way for soul stuff to come to the surface.”

“To heal, one must participate in one’s own healing.”

Posted in Anthroposophy, False Flags, Germ Theory, Hoaxes or Fake Terrorism, Mind Control, New World Order, Occult, Rudolf Steiner, Spirituality and Metaphysics | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

‘Shape-shifting Lizard People:’ Explained – Gigi Young

A summary of Gigi Young’s presentation on the lizard people phenomenon. As always these are just my opinions as a result of private research.


I wanted to touch on the salient points in her lecture because I think that she gives a very coherent and logical explanation for all the high weirdness that we are seeing in terms of the so-called shape-shifting reptilian/alien phenomenon so prevalent in UFOlogy and conspiracy culture. To those not familiar with these ideas the following images will seem ridiculous but behind it I am suggesting there is a modicum of truth.

So what are these things? Are they aliens? Is it real or is it a hoax? What are we to make of all the celebrities and politicians with the slit eyes flashing for a second on TV or the numerous psychics and abductees who have said to have seen an overlay of a tall reptilian lizard like being in somebody’s frame or aura?

One cannot get a solid grasp on this bizarre phenomenon without a proper view of the cosmos, which is geocentric, fixed, and enclosed in a firmament. We must toss out the idea, then, of vast interstellar space, this is a NASA psyop. And along with that is the idea of aliens from another material planet flying here in ships. Toss this out as well. As we will see, the incursion of these “other-wordly” forces is much closer to home, and if anything, we must speak of them as ‘inter-dimensional.’ We must also have a firm grasp of Earth evolution and how the human being as a soul being fits into this picture. Steiner’s Anthroposophy provides this firm foundation. And Gigi is versed in this system, which is what originally turned me on to her work.

So to answer the alien/shapeshifter question Gigi takes us back to the prior epochs of humanity, such as the Lemurian and then the Atlantian epochs. And the thing to understand is that when an epoch ends there is always a split, or two streams of humanity, one that ascends and meets the needs of the evolutionary impulse of the time, and one stream that descends or devolves because they fail to adapt with the new evolutionary impulse of the time and they would rather stay with the old impulse.

So the Lemurian epoch was a feminine epoch (rooted in the past, tribal, atavistic, see my Black Sun Mysteries documentary) and the descending form of humanity ended up reverting to more of an animal form which spawned the apes. The apes are an offshoot of descending humanity. Which you’ll notice is a total flip of Darwinism which states that humanity evolved from apes, it’s actually that the apes devolved from a splinter group of humans that in the Lemurian epoch failed to keep up with the times.

And with the Atlantean epoch which was a more masculine epoch (rooted in the future, technological, independent), you had the descending group towards the end that could not keep up with the spiritual changes of the times; they became the mad scientists who tried to keep their form and cheat devolution by doing all these genetic experiments to hybridize the human form with different animals (Transgenesis) such as the lizard, or certain insects like the praying mantis, creating these bizarre chimeras to incarnate into, and also of course the Greys; long story short, it is suspected that the Greys and reptilians are basically an offshoot of this devolutionary stream at the end of Atlantis.

Or more properly understood, the Greys are the far-future result of what occurred initially by the mad scientists of Atlantis; the Greys in their future time found a wormhole to come to our present to try and rectify their failed timeline by attempting to hybridize with us (see: End Game).

But the reason we don’t really see reptilians, Greys and mantids walking around here in 3-D, and close encounters always seem to be in a dream state, or trance state, is because these forms cannot not linger here, they cannot hold their form here for very long without certain aids of technology, or being summoned through black magic ritual; really their home is in the Eighth sphere which is in a different dimension and density. When a being fails their initiation by losing their humanity and turning to wickedness and psychopathy and degradation, at the end of the epoch they are swept into the 8th sphere, or the lower astral realm, (also called Hell, Hades, Sheol, maybe even an aspect of inner Earth, Hollow Earth etc.) to join the hordes of Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings, this legion of demonic, criminal parasites.

8th sphere as overlay outside the 7 natural phases

We see the Greys and the reptilians and UFO’s sort of flashing in and out of existence, defying the laws of physics, because their presence here is in an ethereal or astral form or astral existence more than a physical one, this is because they are Eighth sphere beings. There’s an overlay that allows them to manifest their energy here, their parasitic energy. It happens through attachment to one who invites them in, who resonates with their criminal, degenerate energy.

So the main takeaway from her lecture is that these celebrities and politicians, these dark elite Illuminati types that seem to flash this reptile form, it’s not that they are reptilians themselves, rather they are humans that are possessed by a reptilian being that itself lives in the eighth sphere. The reptilian’s astral body is attached to the astral body of the human that they are possessing, as a kind of ghostly shell that hovers around or weaves through someone’s aura.

And somebody who is particularly psychic can see the attachment, they can see this reptilian nebulous form here and there for split seconds when the overlay is particularly strong, and even perhaps electronic equipment picks these things up, which is why we sometimes see them when there is a glitch on the TV and their slit eyes appear for a split second. Although as researchers we have to be careful here because those slit eyes can be easily faked.

So in the post-Atlantian epoch they attached to these early Illuminati types, this degraded priest class that became the 13 bloodlines; they attached to them because they sold their soul to Satan and they are basically operating out of their three lower chakras alone which is how the Eighth sphere beings possess and leech off of our energy. They can only leech off of the lower three chakras, the ones below the heart. This manifests as a cunning but cold intellect and no emotion other than fear and lust, no empathy.

And it’s not just the Illuminati members who are possessed by reptilian or other types of so-called “alien” forms. It’s also anybody who cannot harmonize their being with the Christ essence, with the heart, anybody who continually turns their back on God and lives only for material pleasures alone, power, lust at the expense of others, this kind of service-to-self only, they are stuck in the lower three chakras and they become visible to Eighth sphere beings and then these lower beings can attach to them. This can happen to anyone.

Drug abuse can also draw these parasitic entities. There have even been cases of people on meth or other narcotics having a psychotic break and seeing reptilian forms crawling up the walls and basically following the addict around, leeching off them. They transmit thoughts of no hope, of black depression to their host, and want to eventually for their host to commit suicide, which releases a floodgate of energy for them, a feast.


Now this whole lizard issue is more complex because there’s the whole Donald Marshall and droning angle which Gigi does not discuss. I don’t know if she is even aware of this angle yet, but there may also be a technological aspect to the possession phenomenon and this is what I’ve gone into in my One Eye Bleeding video and in my coverage of Donald Marshall‘s work, how we see these celebrities and politicians with black eyes, we see in Hollywood and entertainment media this bleeding from the one eye motif or the tear drop or the Eye of Horus, and we suspect that what’s happening is there is some kind of possession that occurs by inserting something through the eye-socket to the brain to take over a physical body and wear it like a sleeve.

Donald Marshall describes the bodysnatchers as “vrill lizards:” a parasitic reptile species that apparently lives deep underground and comes up in these cloning centers to bodysnatch people and are used as weapons by the elite. However I think this is a gate-keeping psyop. I think what’s happening is it’s more like these elites that copy their consciousness onto a chip or even through black goo which then goes through the eye-socket to the brain. This is called droning, and a soulless vessel operated by a walk-in is called a drone.

Posted in Ancient Civilizations, Black Ops, Donald Marshall, Flat Earth, Gigi Young, Hollywood Disclosure, Human Cloning, Illuminati, New World Order, Occult, Satanism, Time Portals, UFOlogy | 7 Comments