Tag Archives: CERN

Mandela Effects as Esoteric Riddles?

I had no idea just how prevalent these Mandela Effects or ME’s were becoming until I read this Buzzfeed article (which seems to be written in a way to try and debunk/gate-keep/lowball most of it). Much of the screenshots below … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Codes, Esoteric Symbolism, Mandela Effects, Mind Control, Occult, Spirituality and Metaphysics, Time Portals | Tagged , , | 11 Comments

Time Manipulation, CERN, and Sodomite Gateways – Bob Schlenker

“Time has been tampered with by those who most desire to avoid judgement.” Bob Schlenker “The elite have lost their immortality and given you their mind of fear of mortal death of the body.” Steve Chashar In a commercial for DirecTV, Jon … Continue reading

Posted in Aug Tellez, Black Ops, Bob Schlenker, Illuminati, MK Ultra Mind Control, Numerology, Occult, Pedophilia, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Secret Societies | Tagged , , | 15 Comments